
  • [재질] 양초 만들기
    Graphic/Max 2008. 1. 9. 13:30

    브이레이를 사용하여 양초를 만드는 방법이다.

    사용자 삽입 이미지

    사용자 삽입 이미지

    1. Import the 3ds into a new max document. Untick convert units (just to be safe)

    2. Add a sphere vray light, and tick smooth surface shadows and store with irradiance map. Place the vray light just over the candle and and it should be about the size of a grape.

    3. Add the kitchen HDRI as the vray reflect/refract environment. Set it to spherical environment. And drop its multiplyer to 0.4

    4. Then create the wax material using the settings in the JPG

    5. Then just setup vray, i would suggest tick the override default max environment and setting it too 0.5 and white. This will light up the rest of the candle.

    'Graphic > Max' 카테고리의 다른 글

    [재질] 치즈 만들기  (0) 2008.01.09
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